A brief history of Akaitcho Business Development Corporation
Akaitcho Business Development Corporation (ABDC) is a non-profit community lending organization based in Ndilo, Dettah, and Yellowknife.
Established in 1998, Akaitcho Business Development Corporation (ABDC) is a community-driven organization committed to promoting sustainable employment through the development of small businesses and the implementation of community economic development strategies.

Our Vision Statement
Established in 1998, Akaitcho Business Development Corporation is a community-driven organization committed to promoting sustainable employment through the development of small business and the implementation of community economic development strategies in the communities of N’dilo, Dettah, and Yellowknife.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of this organization is to work to improve economic health through building partnerships with other community organizations and to provide technical advice, business skills development counseling and access business capital.

Primary Business of ABDC
Akaitcho BDC Provides opportunities for small businesses such as:
Repayable Loans
We can provide a maximum of $200,000 to qualified individuals for their small businesses.
Counseling/Advisory Services
We help individuals develop business ideas for start-up or expansion.
Economic Planning
Assisting communities to develop a strategic plan for economic development.
Self-Employment Program
We assist individuals on Employment Assistance with a business idea to enter the program and
develop their business idea.
Adult Training
We provide seminars for a vast array of business-related services.
Indigenous Women’s Entrepreneur Program
We offer financial support, including loans, grants & programming guidance for Indigenous
women entrepreneurs.
Board of Directors
The ABDC’s seven-member board is volunteer-based whose members represent a board cross-section of interests from the community. The role of the board of directors is to provide governance for the organization, to represent the ABDC in the community, and ultimately accept legal responsibility for the activities of the ABDC. The board of directors also acts on behalf of the residents of the community. Their principal responsibility is carrying out the organization’s mission and strategic objectives.
The board of directors is representative of three regions: Yellowknife, N’dilo, and Dettah.
Darrell Beaulieu
Shirley Tsetta
Matt Mossman
Jonas Sangris
Roy Erasmus Jr.
John Hazenberg
Steve Meister
Blair Whenham
General Manager
Margaret Varaschin-Lepage
Senior Business Analyst